Graham Egan-Wyer full stack web developer / Brisbane, Australia

About me

My name is Graham and I’m a software engineer from Brisbane. I recently completed a Software Engineering Immersive with General Assembly and am looking to move into a suitable role in the very near future.

My previous career as a self-employed carpenter enabled me to develop strong customer service skills, extensive experience in stakeholder management, logistics, problem solving and planning, as well as working both autonomously and within a team. I also have years of experience in hospitality which has provided me with strong people and communication skills.

All of these skills will come in handy in my Software Engineering career, and I am looking forward to joining a team of people who can help support me to grow and learn more in this space, and who in turn I can support.

Featured Projects


My final project for Software Engineering Immersive; I wanted to create a web app that could pull from multiple API's and collate the data in one place. The aim was to assist with recruiting and organising players within my World of Warcraft guild. MVP allows for the rapid retrieval of in game performance data on individual players, and presents it succinctly for ease of use.

Technologies used:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React.js
  • Express.js
  • Material UI
Github | Live Demo

"JGRS Portfolios"

A group project where we created a portfolio template that through the use of DOM manipulation allows the user to customise text colour, text fonts and background colour. Projects and skills can also be added, edited or removed. It was a great learning experience for working within a team particularly how to work with and around each other while coding simultaneously.

Technologies used:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Email:
  • Password: test
Github | Live Demo


A simple Ruby project that tracks a users progress through a checklist, allows the user to check steps off the list and tracks their progress using SQL queries. When the user logs back in they will see the checklist as they left it in their last session.

Technologies used:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Ruby
  • PostgresSQL
  • Username: test
  • Password: test
Github | Live Demo


My first major project of my bootcamp, it is a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game the major learning curve for me was in the setup of the game board and how to go about tracking the game state so as to check for win, and draw conditions.

Technologies used:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Github | Live Demo


Front End
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • React.js
  • jQuery
Back End
  • Ruby
  • Express
  • SQL
  • PostgresSQL
  • Ajax
  • Git
  • Capentry
  • Weekend Chef'ing


My current focus is on gaining additional experience in React.js and familiarising myself further with AWS.

I’m also immensely excited to continue expanding on my final project "MVP" and developing it into a powerful tool.

Having used React.js in the final project of my bootcamp, I am planning to revisit my earlier projects and rebuild them with an updated tech stack.